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Bye single-use bags!

People use 5 trillion plastic bags… per year!

It is 160 000 per second! Statistically, one plastic bag is consumed in 12 minutes and is discarded. Only 1% of plastic bags are recycled. Due to environmental pollution every year, thousands of animals lose their place to live or become extinct. 

We believe that using good designed, less waste and durable things could save a lot of resources, reuse existing plastic and preserve wildlife habitats. Our mission is to create awareness that protecting wildlife and environment from plastic waste is possible for everyone.


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Why us?

Made from recycled plastic bottles

Suitable for food packaging

Produced in European Union

Certified textiles from European manufacturers

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Bagvert emerged as a solution to a specific, real-life problem: bags are losing and people forgot to take them to the shop. We designed solutions that bags are always next to you.

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